Saturday, August 31, 2013

Feeding Time

Good afternoon
Boca! The sun is up so get your gloves up. Today we are going to fight nutrition by understanding when we are supposed to eat. When do I eat? Reference the prior article "Eat Like a Baby" for the Protein Principle. This principle is one of the  parthenon's of a sustainable successful nutrition program.

Our example eating times and total caloric values are for the average sized male and female. If you are above or below adjust the example accordingly.

2000 calories is the minimum the average adult male should consume and 1200 calories  is the minimum a female should consume in one day. To not lose muscle men need to consume one gram of protein per bodyweight pound and woman .75 grams per bodyweight pound.

A. 130 pound female needs to consume 130 x .75 = 97.5 grams of protein split up evenly throughout the day.
B. 160 pound male needs to consume 160 x 1 = 160 grams of protein split evenly throughout the day.

Side Note: a cooked 4oz piece of chicken is 35 grams of protein and 185 calories 
Here are the times of day and the total calories allowed per feeding.

7:30am - Balance Breakfast
Man Woman
450 cal 250 cal

10:30am - Balanced Snack (balanced is protein/starch/vegetable) 
Man Woman
300 cal 200 cal

1:00pm - Balanced Lunch 
Man Woman
450 cal      300 cal

4:00pm - Balanced Snack
Man Woman
350 cal 200 cal

7:00pm - Balanced  Dinner
Man Woman
450 cal 300 cal

Male Total Caloric Intake   2000 Calories
Female Total Caloric Intake  1200 Calories

Happy Shredding!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Eat to Workout

Good morning Boca! The Suns up Gloves up! Are U Ready 2 Fight Nutrition? As the summer comes to an end most of us plan for new beginnings; "The time is now" and we start our exercise program. It does not matter if it's a 24 or 90 day challenge. Theses challenges are designed to kick-start, YOU! Fitness and Health is a life long journey with peaks and valleys. Maximize the peaks and minimize the valleys!  

Eating to train is all about timing. If we eat every three hours and the average training session is an hour. The Ideal scenario is to consume a full meal almost 2 hours before your workout and drink a Meal Replacement within 30 minutes of finishing your workout.  

When I was a kid we were told not to go swimming right after eating, we had to wait 15 minutes. Well, its kind of like that. If you eat to close to a training session it regurgitates. If it's been too long since your last feeding you will have a lethargic work out. If you do cardio in the morning there are many reasons why you don't want to eat before I understand but.....

Those are your choices and they aren't great ones. Eat two hours before your workout and drink a meal replacement immediately following your training session.

Happy Shredding!  

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Clean Eating

Good morning Boca the suns up put your gloves up! Fighting nutrition is a confusing battle so let's clarify what clean eating means. Think about it Clean; first and foremost signifies you added no fat, no sodium, and no sugar. Clean Eating is also determined by how the food breaks down in the body and how the food is prepared.

So the three variables that determine if your meal is a clean are:

1. How the food breaks down in the body - Carrots are a nutritious vegetable but when your body breaks it down it will caramelize. Turning to sugar in the body. Not clean pick something else!

2. All proteins have natural occurring fats. Why add more? When you look at your body can you tell the difference between the good fat and the bad fat? Me either, so don't add oil, sodium, or sugar.

3. Ideally all of your proteins will be grilled, things can be baked, but frying and pan searing are out. 

We're not allowed to eat carrots even though it's a vegetable, not allowed to put olive oil on anything because it already has fat, and I have to grill or bake everything. That's Right!

Happy Shredding!

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Five P's

Good morning Boca the sun is up so get your gloves up. Today is the first day of school in Palm Beach county but it still feels like late this summer not an early fall. We all know that preparation is the key to any regiment. You must have a set schedule, pattern or routine to be consistent. The five P's Proper Planning Promotes Peak Performance it's a little lame but it is true.

Don't spend all of your time in the kitchen! Eating is pass/fail and just because you're good for part of the day doesn't mean you passed. All it takes is one bad, disgustingly fattening, wonderfully tasting piece of food. The high fat content and calories in that one item ruins your clean eating day. As your children go back to school I sincerely doubt you will tell them it's ok to cheat just a little lol.

Make enough servings of dinner to give yourself a complete lunch for the next day. Do you see where I'm heading? Use the breakfast example from "Get the Skinny on Fat" and snack examples from "Kick-Start Your Metabolism". Now you have 3 of 5 feedings for the day.
Happy Shredding! 


Chicken Breast (Boneless Skinless Chicken 4 oz)
Serving Size: 4 oz, Calories: 184, Fat: 4g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 35g

Brown, Medium-Grain, Cooked .5 Cup (Rice)
Serving Size: 1 cup, Calories: 225, Fat: 2g, Carbs: 46g, Protein: 5g

Steamed Broccoli- 1 Cup (Generic)
Serving Size: 1 cup, Calories: 50, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 2g, Protein: 2g

Chicken = 184 calories
Broccoli = 50 calories
Brown Rice = 112.5 calories

TOTAL = 349.5 Calories and volume food!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Weekend Eating

Good Morning Boca the Sun is up Get your Gloves up to be Ready 2 Fight Nutrition. Don't be a fool Saturday and Sunday mean nothing to the body your brain just lets it's guard down. Do the same routine of breakfast within thirty minutes of waking. It will actually be easier for you to control the second and third feeding. I say this because your not stuck at work the choices are yours so plan ahead.
The same way a parents plans activities around a babies food a napping schedules do the same for your feedings. Wake up and eat real food and then go to the gym. When you get home have your balance snack but this is the perfect time for your body to drink a meal replacement drink NOT a Protein drink. The difference is in the names; meal verses one part of a meal. 
Now that breakfast, your workout, and snack are in the books we have lunch. It's Saturday lunch is not the issue, we all know dinner or the late afternoon are the problem times. Lunch must be balanced if you eat a salad for lunch you are sure to be really hungry later in the day and will probably  over-eat. Remember eat every three hours and balanced meals. Protein/Complex Carbs/Naturally Occurring Fat
Happy Shredding

Friday, August 16, 2013

Eat Like a Baby

Good Morning Boca; the sun is up get your gloves up! Are you ready to fight nutrition? Lets talk about the "Protein Principal" and how it's the same as we feed our babies. Muscle development requires proper nutrition and protein is required for the muscle to grow. When I say grow please do not interpret this as BIG. Muscles are a sphere and they grow in 360°'s of direction. Rock-hard dense muscle is the desired result of functional strength training and proper eating. Looking great is a by-product. How do we fuel our bodies to get ripped?

The Protein Principal of eating protein every three hours as a part of your balance meals. Take the total calories for the  day you will consume and divide that number by the amount of times you eat in a day. That number represents how many calories should be in each feeding. Now for the complicated part; Each meal should have approximately the same amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat (in grams) Getting Confused? I understand and I'm here to help. 

Use yesterdays breakfast as an example and for meal number 2... This one is tricky because it's a flex time of the day. If breakfast is at 8am and lunch is at 1pm then snack time is at 11am. Not the easiest time of the day to grab a nutritionally balanced snack your personal trainer approves of. If you are thin you can eat things like natural peanut-butter for your protein source here but if weight is a concern, cottage cheese would be a better choice. If you want to reduce the amount of fat in your body you should not eat fattening foods, good or bad fat, it does not matter. Can you look at your body and make the distinction between which fat is good and which fat is bad? Me either, if you have fat you don't need any extra!

Happy Shredding! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kickstart Your Metabolism

Good morning Boca! The sun is up get your gloves up. Are you ready to fight nutrition? Your metabolism is like a light switch in the morning and it does not turn on until you force it to. The CEO of Weight Watchers was asked to give one piece of advice to anyone fighting fat and his advice was. We must eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up every day. Also if you are drinking your breakfast or using powders first thing in the morning they do not make your body work hard enough to turn the  light switch on.
We have it completely backwards. By eating our largest heaviest meal late in the day and our lightest meal first thing in the morning. It is obvious why we are gaining weight. Going back to the bear hibernating for the winter if we are awake throughout the day why are we waiting so long to fuel our bodies? When you eat a large meal before you go to bed you force the body to convert the nutrients into fat and store it. So..
Today's advice is to eat real food within 30 minutes of waking up. Healthy fit people have been eating egg whites oatmeal (no packets) and berries for a long time do not try to reinvent the wheel!

4 egg whites 120 cal
1/2 cup cooked oats w/water 83 cal
1 cup cut strawberries 52 cal

Total = 255 calories 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Get the Skinny on Fat

Ready 2 Fight 2B Fit
Good morning Boca! The sun is up get your gloves up and protect yourself at all times. Not a bad idea, in and out of the ring... +Sid Berman at R2F Boxing & MMA Fitness Studio at 8210 Glades Road whips people into shape all day and that is the easy part. The real challenge for the committed fitness enthusiast is Nutrition. There are 168 hours in one week and our daily eating and exercise habits program or reprogram our bodies. This data is being compiled every minute of every hour of every day.
Think of a bear and how it can hibernate for the winter. The bear eats a bunch of food. The body stores the fat allowing the bear to sleep all winter and awake in the spring ready to eat. Now compare that to a humans daily routine. There are 24 hours in a day, we are only awake for 12 to 18 hours. Lets middle it and say the average person sleeps 8 hours a night. Thus  leaving them awake for 16 hours. All of our fuel (FOOD) is consumed during those 16 hours to sustain our body for the 24 hour period. Side-note; our body has a plan for the future. The plan is extremely logical and it determines your metabolism. The rate and way your body processes nutrients from food and it can not be fooled. The past solely determines your metabolic future. If you eat crap and you are lazy not only will you feel poorly but you wont look your best. We all know this; This blog will speak to the educated eater who wants the most, best tasting food. That makes you look great. Stay tuned...