Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kickstart Your Metabolism

Good morning Boca! The sun is up get your gloves up. Are you ready to fight nutrition? Your metabolism is like a light switch in the morning and it does not turn on until you force it to. The CEO of Weight Watchers was asked to give one piece of advice to anyone fighting fat and his advice was. We must eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up every day. Also if you are drinking your breakfast or using powders first thing in the morning they do not make your body work hard enough to turn the  light switch on.
We have it completely backwards. By eating our largest heaviest meal late in the day and our lightest meal first thing in the morning. It is obvious why we are gaining weight. Going back to the bear hibernating for the winter if we are awake throughout the day why are we waiting so long to fuel our bodies? When you eat a large meal before you go to bed you force the body to convert the nutrients into fat and store it. So..
Today's advice is to eat real food within 30 minutes of waking up. Healthy fit people have been eating egg whites oatmeal (no packets) and berries for a long time do not try to reinvent the wheel!

4 egg whites 120 cal
1/2 cup cooked oats w/water 83 cal
1 cup cut strawberries 52 cal

Total = 255 calories 

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